There's a great quote that says, Real queens fix each other's crowns! And it's something worth reminding yourself on a regular basis. We live in a very competitive world but the simple truth is, women are more powerful when they work together.
There's a great quote that says, Real queens fix each other's crowns! And it's something worth reminding yourself on a regular basis.
We live in a very competitive world but the simple truth is, women are more powerful when they work together. So instead of rivalry, we should be embracing collaboration. Instead of trying to prove our power by standing alone, we should work as a team.
Rivalry is actually quite natural in women. In fact, from a young age we are encouraged to compete with other girls. We compete in the classroom, and on the sports field. We even compete for boys! Whether it's nature or nurture, it's just what we do.
The Advantages Of Collaboration
That quote about queens and crowns probably originates from beauty pageants! We've all seen those movies where the contestants end up fighting over the crown. But do we really want to be portrayed like that?
As we get older, as we become women, we start to see the advantages of collaborating. And for business women, it can offer amazing advantages. Business women working together can just about achieve anything!
As Helen Keller said, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”.
A Safe Place
There's a very good reason why women's networking groups are increasing. They are safe places where we can discuss topical issues, challenges, ideas, even fears with other women in similar positions.
It's also a place of learning. New business women can learn so much from other, high profile women. It's a collaborative approach that helps create confidence, support, validation, empowerment, even accountability.
It's easy to doubt ourselves sometimes. Or equally, to set impossibly high standards. Talking to other women who are experiencing those same feelings can really help. When others believe in you, it's much easier to believe in yourself.
Inspire And Motivate
Networking isn't just a way of finding useful contacts. These groups are a source of inspiration, motivation, ideas, support, and solutions. Let's face it, men have been doing it for years!
Networking is often translated as 'selling'. But that's not a fair definition. It actually means to foster relationships that are mutually beneficial. And the more energy you put in, the more you get out.
Yes, it will help build your business and your customer base. But that's just a part of it. Most importantly, it will help you maintain your drive and enthusiasm. Let's say you're having one of THOSE days, juggling children, husbands, housekeeping, school runs, and more - before you even think about work!
Laugh It Off
You're tired, frustrated, and sick of constantly running to keep up. It would be easy to throw in the towel on those days. But then you go to your business women's group. Before long you're laughing off the stress, picking up some great business tips, and collaborating on a new project. Magic!
The secret to seeing the best in yourself, is to see it in others. And it is far more honourable to succeed through building others up, than by knocking them down and stealing their crown.