If you're busy planning your wedding, it's likely you have also set a date for your bridal shower. Such a fun way of celebrating good news, and getting together with your girls.
When it originated, the main aim of a bridal shower was to equip the couple with goods and financial help to ensure the wedding took place. These days, whilst still a gift-giving party, the theme is a little different.
Lingerie and Handbags
Modern brides can look forward to receiving anything from handy home-wares and gift vouchers, to indulgent spa packages and personal items, such as lingerie and handbags.
Talking of handbags, they could also feature quite prominently in your bridal shower games! 'What's in your Purse' is popular for a party. At this point who knows what can be found in my Miss Monogram bag so it is sure to make your guests laugh.
How to play?
The game organiser writes a list of items that may be found in a woman's purse or handbag. The list is read out and, if you have the item in your bag, you get it out and place it in front of you.
There are two options at this point: you can either award points for items - for example, one point for a phone, as it's quite common, and five points for something more unusual, and so on. Or, the winner can simply be the one with the most items at the end of the game.
Alternatively, treat it like a game of bingo - the first one to pull it out of their bag gets a prize!
Here's The List
Here's a list of 'What's In Your Purse' items to get you started:
• Mobile phone
• Key ring
• Purse
• Hair brush
• Tissues
• Lipstick
• Photo of partner
• Feminine product
• Hand sanitizer
• Pen
• Bottle opener
• Torch
• Receipt
• Toothbrush
• Sunglasses
• Camera
• Hair band
• Hair spray
• Hand cream
• Nail file
• Mirror
• Miss Monogram London Pouch (double points for a clutch in a bag)
You can make the list as outrageous as you dare, and then enjoy the giggles as embarrassing items appear!
Keep The Bubbly Flowing
To make the game even more fun, don't forget to stock up on little prizes, to reward your gorgeous besties. A few ideas include scented candles, gift vouchers, monogrammed key rings, iPhone covers, business cardholders, and monogrammed pencils.
Other fun games for your bridal shower include Wedding Jeopardy, Truth or Dare, Wedding Movie Charades, Wedding Trivia, and Pass The Love Story, where everyone gives their version of the events leading up to the wedding.
Just remember no bridal shower is complete without bubbles and glitter.